craggy-chestnut-dormouse commented: " And God called to the Man and said to him: ‘Where are you?’ And he said: ‘I heard Your voice in the Garden and I was afraid since I am naked, and I hid.’ And He said, ‘Who told you that you are naked? Do you eat from the tree which I commanded you to not eat from?". - Upon eating from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, Adam's eyes 'were opened and he knew he was naked'. In essence Adam became the master of his own destiny, deciding what is good and and what is bad for himself. He was no longer dependent upon God to make those decisions. By partaking of the fruit of this tree, Adam and Eve would henceforth would make moral decisions independent of God with relevant consequences. This unfortunately led to losing their intimate relationship with their Creator and Father with sad consequences for themselves and their progeny, according to Torah. on Adam and Eve - Where are You? on 2022-07-17 02:44:13.589488