grumpy-chartreuse-yak commented: Neshama is connected to the nefesh via ruach...after the fall, with development of 'mind of judging good & bad', the Ruach connection was lost, as the 'Judgmental-mind' can not 'contain' the Living-Breath-Neshamah, as they are 'vibration-ally-incompatible', thus the Nefesh-animal-breath was available only for 'animation' of the 'genetic-self'...Nefesh is the 'self's' animating-breath, but the higher functions of Neshama are lost with the Fall, the 'self' can not handle the Power of Neshamah...Ruach Ha-Qodesh was 'lost' overall to the Adams, established intermittently thru 'prophets', disappeared entirely after the death of the last prophet, c. 420 BCE, and reappeared late 1st century CE...Judgment-mind is the 'Wound' that must be healed (Healer heal Thy Nefesh-self) then Ruach-reconnection is established... on The Neshama – Breath or Soul? on 2023-04-08 19:44:46.835209