
AaronKastel commented: Perhaps if we understood the purpose of suffering we could come to terms with it and it would no longer be suffering- unable to fulfil its purpose. Perhaps to be human is not to accept suffering, despite our faith that it has a purpose, to cry out to G-d for it to end and keenly appreciate the inherent injustice. Perhaps one of the explanations, which we cannot accept (as sufficient), which we may not accept, is the tremendous growth that blossoms specifically as a result of suffering. on The Book of Job - Riding the Storm on 2016-08-29 05:21:07.722110

AaronKastel commented: It is interesting to note that he was actually somewhat religious, putting on tefillin daily. See http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1201321 on Victor Frankl – The Search for Meaning on 2017-02-01 04:34:37.392970

AaronKastel commented: See link below for a story where the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad, explains G-d's question of Adam in much the same way. Source is Likkutei Sichos Vol. I, pg. 73-75. http://www.sie.org/templates/sie/article_cdo/aid/2420079/jewish/Where-Are-You.htm on Adam and Eve - Where are You? on 2017-02-01 21:22:51.020360

AaronKastel commented: They are fulfilling the will of G-d at that particular moment, to exist at that stage of their story. But it is only one stage of that story, for many objects the story then progresses towards a commandment, which is then equally His will. In addition there's the concept discussed in other entries on this topic, that part of the purpose of creation is that His will should be revealed. This is the purpose of His commandments, to reveal His will as the intrinsic essence of each thing. on Maimonides - Everything for it's own Sake on 2017-02-01 05:02:20.378480

AaronKastel commented: Holiness (in hebrew: קדושה) means separation. This is both a definition and an instruction. G-d or G-dliness is removed from us, beyond our comprehension and experience, outside our limited and lacking reality. The way to get there is through restraining ourselves (separating ourselves) from our baser instincts and the mundane etc. and focusing on our higher selves. Holiness is also expressed in the same way, a holy object such as a Torah scroll has laws and restrictions regarding its use and treatment, ie. it may not be used for mundane purposes like an ordinary object. Thus, the holy is set aside for something higher. Ultimately, the same root is used (in hebrew) to denote mariage, where the couple separate themselves from the world, devoting themselves solely to one and other. Similarly the holy person, ie. one who acts holy as described, reaches a unity with G-d. .ראה תו"כ ופרש"י ר"פ קדושים. פרש"י משפטים כב, ל. קדושים כ, ז. ועוד. תניא פמ"ו (סו, א). אגה"ת פ"י (צט, סע"א). ועוד .וע"ע דברי הימים א כג,יג. קידושין ב,ב ובתוס' שם. קהלת יעקב מענה לשון לשון תורה בערכו on Psalms - Holiness on 2016-08-29 05:03:23.186030

AaronKastel commented: Another supporting quote for the equivalence of all creation: "In what way is the ‘I’ of this leaf inferior to yours?" -The Rebbe Rashab, Likkutei Diburim Vol. 1, Pg. 170. http://chabadlibrarybooks.com/pdfpager.aspx?req=39169&st=&pgnum=178 on Maimonides - Everything for it's own Sake on 2017-02-01 04:57:08.484500

AaronKastel commented: To see the hebrew characters in this comment (including references at the end), see my user page. on Psalms - Holiness on 2016-08-29 05:05:57.789620